As a reminder...our readers will vote on who each of us should take on a second date! This date will be a group date with all three participants in this contest. The winner (or the person with the most dates), will receive a free date, paid for by the other two contestants.

Your chance to participate will take place THIS WEEK! Voting will be open ONLY Monday, 01 February until Friday, 05 February. He or she who receives the most votes will be announced once final plans are in place.

Although it may seem that you can vote more than once on any given computer, only the first vote actually counts (trust us, we've tried it out).

Our final blog posts will be written about our second dates. Thanks for your support in our friendly dating competition! We have really enjoyed this opportunity to get a jump start on our personal goals.

Happy Voting!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jon - Date #4: Alene

Name*: Alene
How I know her: Blind date set up through our common friend Michelle.

About every 6 months or so I get the urge to go swing dancing. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that great at it, but I still like swing dancing every once in a while. So when I found out that Alene used to swing dance all the time, I decided it would be an appropriate activity for our date. After eating (Hires Big H), we went to the Murray Arts Center for some good old-fashioned dancing. We quickly learned that we both know roughly the same steps and not much else (though we did teach/remind each other of certain dance moves). Whenever they played a style of dance that we don't know very well (for instance, the tango), we would just make up our own dance and goof around. It was very comfortable and carefree.

Best Quality: She totally knew how to dance the guy's part, and taught me a few moves with it. And when she wasn't teaching me new steps, she was the perfect follower.
Highlight of Date: On the ride home, some deer were crossing the street. She saw them first (I thought that it was smoke from a car wreck) and exclaimed "Oh deer!" I totally didn't get it.
What I Admired: She was so honest and genuine about everything (which can be hard to do on a blind date). I think that's what made it so that there were no awkward moments.

The word I'd use to describe the date is: lighthearted
Her favorite swing style is west coast.

*Names are different than normal.

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