As a reminder...our readers will vote on who each of us should take on a second date! This date will be a group date with all three participants in this contest. The winner (or the person with the most dates), will receive a free date, paid for by the other two contestants.

Your chance to participate will take place THIS WEEK! Voting will be open ONLY Monday, 01 February until Friday, 05 February. He or she who receives the most votes will be announced once final plans are in place.

Although it may seem that you can vote more than once on any given computer, only the first vote actually counts (trust us, we've tried it out).

Our final blog posts will be written about our second dates. Thanks for your support in our friendly dating competition! We have really enjoyed this opportunity to get a jump start on our personal goals.

Happy Voting!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Eric - Date #5: Nicole*

Name*:  Nicole

Age:  20

Date Description:  Once again, I went with a simple date idea.  Since these are all first dates, they will probably all be somewhat conservative, or something I figure anyone would enjoy.  So, we started off by driving to a nearby restaurant, where we talked and decided to share a meal, (which was delicious by the way).  We talked a good amount and had a fun time observing some of the people around us doing some crazy things...  After dinner, we decided to go for a drive.  We ended up driving to the Bountiful temple (Nicole is from Kaysville, so it was fairly close), and walked around outside for a while, enjoying the pretty city lights and the (almost) full moon.  Nicole also showed me a short movie called "Red Eye" - a seat-gripping, nail-biting thriller that I had never seen.  It was quite enjoyable!

Best Quality:  Nicole is very accepting and forgiving.  Since I didn't know the area around where she lived very well, she was willing to forgive me for not knowing where to drive, and helped out with directions a lot without being frustrated or annoyed by my constant asking.

Highlight of Date:  The guy licking his girlfriend's face.

What I Admired:  Nicole seems to work hard with confidence at the things that she faces.  She's already into a good career at the young age of 20, and accepts responsibility for herself.  She was very humble and obvioiusly kind to everyone.  I still don't know her very well, so it's hard to describe her in detail, but from what I observed, it seems that she has always been a caring, kind person.

Describe the date in one word?  Flexible
What is their favorite movie rental store?  Cosmo's

*Name has been changed

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