Name*: Clint Eastwood
Date Description: Today I learned how to fire a weapon! Truthfully, I've done it twice before, but never quite like this!
Clint picked me up and we went to lunch at Leatherby's...which just happens to be my favorite ice cream parlor. After a fantastic sandwich (that I am STILL dreaming about) he ordered us my favorite dessert, Gretchen's Golden Nugget. YUM!
After demolishing our lunch we headed off to Doug's Shoot 'N Sports. This is the first indoor shooting range I have been to. I fired the following weapons (^ denotes my favorites):
- Ruger SP101 Double Action Revolver 357 & 38 Special Magnum^
- Ruger New Model Single Six Bisley & Hunter Single Action Revolver
- 22 Bolt Action Rifle
- 22 Semi Automatic Rifle^
- 357 Lever Action Western-Style Rifle
It was fun to learn how to shoot the different firearms. The 2nd revolver (see list above) was so powerful that fire came blasting out of it! I have to say I did pretty good for being a first-timer on these guns. I would estimate that 90% of the time I hit the target, and 70% of the time I was in the middle, and maybe 10% of the time I got a bullseye. (But really, what's so cool about a bullseye...heh...)
Best Quality: Clint is a very optimistic person. He doesn't let anything anyone says bother him and is always smiling and ready to cheer anyone up.
Highlight of Date: Watching flames shoot out of my gun! Seriously, who does that??
What I Admired: I admire Clint's weapon knowledge! He taught me the ins and outs of guns and how to aim each one perfectly so I could hit the target. I also liked that he'd show me how to load, shoot, unload, etc and then let me try it on my own--load a woman's gun, she'll fire one round (and who knows what she'll hit!). Teach a woman to load a gun and you've created a monster!
How do you know the person you're on a date with? He's in my ward!
Describe the date in one word: Inimitable.
Describe the date in one word: Inimitable.
*Name has been changed
Clint, thanks for the lessons!

Watch out boys! I'm now trained. :)
Shalya that is hot! I got a gun for Christmas. We will have to go shooting.
Impressive, Shayla! I'm surprised you didn't get a bruise on your shoulder. Some of those guns really knock you back!
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