As a reminder...our readers will vote on who each of us should take on a second date! This date will be a group date with all three participants in this contest. The winner (or the person with the most dates), will receive a free date, paid for by the other two contestants.

Your chance to participate will take place THIS WEEK! Voting will be open ONLY Monday, 01 February until Friday, 05 February. He or she who receives the most votes will be announced once final plans are in place.

Although it may seem that you can vote more than once on any given computer, only the first vote actually counts (trust us, we've tried it out).

Our final blog posts will be written about our second dates. Thanks for your support in our friendly dating competition! We have really enjoyed this opportunity to get a jump start on our personal goals.

Happy Voting!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shayla - Date #15: Ft. Tien*

Name*: Ft. Tien

Date Description: Ft. Tien and I started off the night by going to a mutual friend's wedding reception. This reception goes down in history as the only reception I've ever been to where every bit of food looked so delicious that I honestly wanted to take 5 of everything. After the reception we headed over to a local theater to watch a tear-jerking movie. (Ft. Tien did not admit to crying, and I won't say whether my tears were real or a result of the millions of eye drops I am now required to insert into my eyes.) After the movie we came back to my apartment for a rousing game of Chutes and Ladders. I had forgotten the lessons that game teaches you! I learned over and over that if you eat too many cookies you go down a slide 'cause you are too sick. How did the game know that's my weakness in life??? We then played my 2 person version of Loaded Questions--basically you just ask each other questions from cards, some really funny, some serious, but you get to know one another really well.

Best Quality: Ft. Tien is just an all-around good guy. He is fun to be around and very easy going.

Highlight of Date: Watching Ft. Tien's face squirm as he tried to come up with a good answer to, "I would eat 100 live cockroaches if they were covered in ____." Who knew he hated bugs so much? Oh yeah, and the commentary from the people behind us in the theater. Something like, "Honey! Watch your language. We're not at home you know," among other things.

What I Admired: I admire Ft. Tien's ability to go with the flow. Even though we went from even to event, it was a very chill and relaxing evening. And his quick wit. He always has something hilarious to say at just the right moments.

How do you know the person you're on a date with? He was in my ward!

Describe the date in one word? Relaxing
Thanks Ft. Tien! For being chill.
*Name has been changed


Lisa said...

I love loaded questions!

Larissa said...

The funniest type-o pretty much ever in the world is in this blog and I must say it took all of my strength to hold it in.
Let's see if you can find it..
PS...I love Ft. Tien!