As a reminder...our readers will vote on who each of us should take on a second date! This date will be a group date with all three participants in this contest. The winner (or the person with the most dates), will receive a free date, paid for by the other two contestants.

Your chance to participate will take place THIS WEEK! Voting will be open ONLY Monday, 01 February until Friday, 05 February. He or she who receives the most votes will be announced once final plans are in place.

Although it may seem that you can vote more than once on any given computer, only the first vote actually counts (trust us, we've tried it out).

Our final blog posts will be written about our second dates. Thanks for your support in our friendly dating competition! We have really enjoyed this opportunity to get a jump start on our personal goals.

Happy Voting!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shayla - Date #9: Yoshi*

Name*: Yoshi

Date Description: Yoshi invited me over to play one of my favorite games, Mario Kart! He also introduced me to Mario Party, which was a lot of fun and I am amazed at how many games are included on that one little game. Once again, it was a very nice, relaxed date. I can't say enough about how impressed I am with the quality of conversation in some of these dates! Yoshi is a deep thinker and has thought a lot about those issues that most people try to blow off so they don't HAVE to think about them. I love seeing people use their minds instead of just agreeing with everything everyone else says. At times we would get to talking about something and I would forget I was supposed to be playing a game!

Best Quality: I'd have to say Yoshi knows how to have fun! It comes so naturally to him that he doesn't even have to try. And it's impossible to not have fun when he's having so much fun!

Highlight of Date: Watching Yoshi freak out when he was losing a game. Highly entertaining!

What I Admired: I admire Yoshi's ability to be fun AND intelligent. I admit a lot of people can do this, but it's usually either an awkward fun or an awkward intelligent. Yoshi is not awkward in any sense of the word and is definitely fun and intelligent. Impressive if you ask me.

How do you know the person you're on a date with? I met him at ward prayer last week! Even though he's not in our ward. He's good friends with Eric.

Describe the date in one word? Convivial

*Name has been changed
Thanks Yoshi--for not being afraid to be yourself!


Eric said...

Wow. This guy must get around, because he's already in two pictures on this blog! Way to go Yoshi!

Lisa said...

Mario Kart is awesome! :D

Kim Whitefield said...

I like this guy, fun and interesting, good combo.