As a reminder...our readers will vote on who each of us should take on a second date! This date will be a group date with all three participants in this contest. The winner (or the person with the most dates), will receive a free date, paid for by the other two contestants.

Your chance to participate will take place THIS WEEK! Voting will be open ONLY Monday, 01 February until Friday, 05 February. He or she who receives the most votes will be announced once final plans are in place.

Although it may seem that you can vote more than once on any given computer, only the first vote actually counts (trust us, we've tried it out).

Our final blog posts will be written about our second dates. Thanks for your support in our friendly dating competition! We have really enjoyed this opportunity to get a jump start on our personal goals.

Happy Voting!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lessons for a Date-aholic

After this week I feel like the dating race should be almost over. Then I checked the calendar and realized just over one week has gone by and there are still three full weeks to go! The purpose of this post is informational--lessons I have learned from taking just a few steps into the race. So at the risk of feeling extremely vulnerable, here it is!
  • I have learned that first dates are fun! They are not something to get nervous about--it's just one date. There may (and let's hope!) be second and third, etc. dates in the future that will eventually freak me out, but so far firsts have been easier than I had anticipated. In the past they have always made me a little bit nervous, but now they're just fun and I can enjoy them more than I had previously because the stress is gone.
  • I have learned that I'm shorter than I realized. I mean, I've always known I'm short, but having a sister who is shorter than me I think has spoiled me. But I look at these pictures and think to myself, "Wow he's taller than I realized!" Then after that realization occurring on every picture I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm just short. Or should I say, fun-sized.
  • I have learned that guys have it rougher than I'd ever given them credit for. In one week's time I've been stood up, ignored, cancelled on (some with a re-schedule, others not), avoided and other unpleasant things. It is hard not to take it personally (especially since sometimes maybe it is personal!) If I were not in this competition I am positive I would have not asked another guy out for a really long time because it's hard on the heart. Truth be told, there are many times I wanted to quit this week. But because I try to be true to my word and I told these boys I would do this, I will continue to press forward! If anything has come from the hard times this week it's my ambition to be more diligent in always following through with my commitments. Whether it's within my control or not, I see more clearly how it can affect another person.
  • I have learned that Eric and Jon are fabulous people. Okay, honestly I knew this before the competition...but I feel the three of us have become even better friends through this. We talk about the good things, the bad things, the hard things, the things we didn't realize until now, the "I'm an idiot" moments and everything in between. We give each other encouragement and praise. During every one of these conversations it's reestablished in my mind what GOOD people these two young men are. They really are people who are just trying to do what's right and get out there and meet and date as many people as they can. And they are learning every bit as much as I am how good of a thing this is for all three of us (and for different reasons!)
  • I have learned that people are very opinionated about this blog! This is the most controversial thing I think I have ever done. It seems as though everybody I meet has already heard about the blog from somebody else. Everyone also either loves it more than chocolate (!!!) or hates it with a burning, fiery passion. Sometimes it scares me to post about a date for fear of what others will say. It has taught me that when I feel strongly about something, especially something I'm committed to, I follow through--no matter what.
  • I have learned that there are a lot of really good men out there. Sometimes, as girls, I think we get down on ourselves when we don't date a lot. Then we try to convince ourselves that maybe it's the guys' problem and not our own (I think that makes us feel better.) Sorry girls! I have been out with 10 great men! Though I am not sure why these men aren't asking some of us wonderful ladies out, I know they are out there.
  • I have learned that it's okay to ask a guy out. I have had issues with this in the past. I am somewhat of a traditionalist and the last thing I want to tell my kids is that their father was a wimp and couldn't get up the courage to ask me out so I had to ask him out! Don't get me wrong, I have asked out a lot of guys in my lifetime, but for me it's not ideal. However, I have learned that 1) they are scared because it's hard (see above), 2) sometimes they just don't think to ask us out (sounds lame, but no offense guys--sometimes thinking isn't at the top of your priority list) and 3) they wait too long after they get our number and then it's weird (done that a few times so far as well).
  • I've learned that I'm not good at asking on dates--in fact, I'm awkward. Goal for next time I call someone: Have a plan. Yes, that's right...I have actually called people not knowing when or what we're doing. Maybe that comes with not wanting to be the one doing the asking. It's easy for the dates I've been set up on because we just have to find a time that works for both of us, but when it's someone I actually know I should have a plan so that I don't feel so silly.
That's all the lessons I can come up with for now. I'm sure there are many more lessons to be learned over the next three weeks, so stay tuned!


Lisa said...

HEY! I'm not THAT short!! Hahaha! But I do know what you mean, I never realize I'm so short till I see myself in pictures. I also have to give guys a lot of credit, its HARD to ask someone out, but I am glad there are some brave ones that do! I'm so proud of you Shay! You are a stronger/braver person then me!!

Marble Madness said...

I think you are very brave for starting this competition/blog. I've often thought about what others might think of it and it really doesn't matter. I think it is an awesome thing that you 3 are doing and everyone else really just needs to chill out. Dating should be about becoming friends. It should be fun. We've made it into something very complicated and are afraid of facing hard things. But that is excatly what we need to do. Shayla, I have so much respect for you! I trully hope that people will see this for what it is, a paradigm shift, and take part. Oh and PS, I'm still working with my friend on that guy.... Sorry that he hasn't contacted you yet!

Chris said...

I never realize how short I am until Audra and I are standing next to eachother by a mirrior. It still surprises me. Weird huh?

Lamb said...

hummmm... good for you. Have you found Mr. Right yet? I can't think of anything else because the music is distracting... later!

Adam and Christine Jardine said...

I think you're doing great, Shayla! And I've had fun reading about all of your dates (don't tell the other two guys that I skim theirs super quick until I find yours). However I think you should add a high point and low point to your date blogs, just so they don't seem so perfect! Unless that's what you're trying to portray, then that's okay. Keep going, you're doing awesome!

Shayla said...

Of course not everyone is perfect! But I realize that everybody is somebody's someone and I don't want to portray anybody in a bad light. And I have never lied in a post! All of these men really do have amazing things going for them!

Also, I'd like all our readers to feel comfortable with the people that we are dating...what if a man I go out with isn't right for me, but I know he'd be perfect for Sally Jo?! I'd hate for her to have to read something negative about someone who may one day be perfect in her eyes. :)

Marble Madness said...

Here I go again.... I really do work and have a life... I just find this topic very interesting. :)

Anyway, I agree with how these posts are going. I think you should focus on the positive. These are, afterall, only first dates. I think we, as single people, tend to focus too much on first impressions/first dates as a way of judging whether somebody is right for us. I know that I don't always represent myself in the best light. And I know plenty of friends, guys and girls alike, that I find to be incredible individuals, but may not have thought so at the beginning. :) So, I say, set small faults aside for now, and give someone a chance or two. You'll be surprised with what you find.

Annie said...

Shayla, I'm so proud of you! You go girl!

Kim Whitefield said...

I agree with everyone else who commented, that you're doing this the right way. I appreciate you being honest in your blogs but still looking at all the good in your dates, as you would want them to do for you. I like everything everyone said in these comments.